Per ridurre l’inquinamento ambientale e gli sprechi, ho adottato alcuni comportamenti in casa mia e ho voluto applicarli anche alla casa in home sharing. Ho stampato le seguenti regole della casa per i miei ospiti, le ho messe in cornice e sono convinta che le apprezzeranno. Che ne dite?
Rules for a Green House by Paolo & Antonella
Our house is your house, so please treat it with respect as if it were your own.
We try to avoid energy waste and reduce the impact on the environment, so please read the following, thank you!
In summer please switch off AC when you leave the house and close the windows when AC is ON
In winter the temperature indoor must be 21° by municipal regulations
Close any windows and turn off the lights when you are not in
Using the washing machine choose medium temperature program and full load, same for the dishwasher
Please collect garbage separately as indicated near the junk buckets: glass, paper, plastic, organic
Water from house taps is drinkable
Take short showers and use the detergents and soap we supply
Thank you for not flushing anything down the toilets but the toilet paper
We stopped ironing the sheets to save energy: it is a gesture of attention to the planet, we hope you will appreciate it
Use the reusable bags we provide for your shopping
Use the water bottle instead of buying water plastic bottle
Take a look to the leaflet for bus, car or bike sharing or walking tours
Always lock the main door and check the gate downstairs is properly closed.
Thank you, have a pleasant stay